How To Activate Your Account

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If you don’t yet have a Rehearsal® Pro account, you’ll need to create (and activate) one before you can start rehearsing.

We’ll start with the Sign In or Sign Up screen, displayed after the quick tutorial and permissions requests when you first launch the app:


Choose Create new account, and fill in the information on the form.

Be very careful to accurately tap in your username, password and email address. If you mis-tap that info, you won’t be able to log in.

When you’re finished, tap Register at the bottom of the form.


Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent an activation email message from us, and you’ll need to click on the uniquely coded link in that email to complete the registration process.

We do this because we want only correct email addresses in our database. This activation loop assures that.

If it doesn’t arrive in your inbox within a few minutes, check your spam folder, or any folder in which you may have directed mail from us to be filtered into.

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