Blackout Mode

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We always recommend that you use the recording/playback function to create scenes and rehearse with them.

But maybe you’re old-school, and instead of recording, you’re used to covering your lines with your hand as you go down the script, saying your lines aloud and then peeking at them to see if you got the lines right.

We’ve got you covered with Blackout mode, invoked with the icon on the bottom toolbar that looks like a page with a hand covering it.

Here’s a video that shows you how to use Blackout mode, with a step-by-step below that:

Step by step

To use Blackout mode with just one color of highlighting:

  1. Highlight your lines in that one color.
  2. Tap on the Blackout Mode icon on the bottom toolbar. It looks like a page with a hand covering it.
  3. All your highlighted lines will go black (if they don’t, select the proper color to blackout using the directions that follow these below). To peek at them as you move through the script, tap and hold for as long as you want to see them, and release to have them go black.

To use Blackout mode when using more than one color of highlighting:

  1. Highlight your lines in one color.
  2. Highlight other characters’ lines in other colors.
  3. Tap and hold on the Blackout Mode icon on the bottom toolbar.
  4. Select the highlighting color you want blacked out, usually the color with which you highlighted your lines.
  5. The lines highlighted with your selected color will go black, and the others will not. To peek at those lines as you move through the script, tap and hold for as long as you want to see them, and release to have them go black.

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